The Daughters of the Immaculate Conception
Who are we?
Every Wednesday at 6:00 p.m., they meet to pray the Daughters of Immaculate Prayers prior to the Holy Service, where you can also join them.
Every first Sunday of the month, they meet at 10:30 a.m. to pray the Rosary.
They host several events throughout the year such as ladies’ breakfasts, lunches and other spiritual events including Adoration Hours and other social events to other parishes across Ottawa and Gatineau.
They also hold regular meetings where they invite special guests to speak on a specific topic depending on the liturgical time of the year.

Their Feast Day
The Immaculate Conception Feast Day is also held at our parish every 8th of December where new members are initiated into the group.
Their most noteworthy event is the Annual Lenten Lunch, which welcomes all parishioners to celebrate as one family at the start of the Lenten Season.

We, the Daughters of Mary of the Immaculate Conception declare our mission is:
To bring the loving and healing presence of Christ into our world with the gentle courage and faithful commitment of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
الاخوية هي ” حركة حياة مسيحية” نريد من خلالها وبواسطتها ان نصل الى إيمان مسيحي عميق ونضج انساني راسخ وشهادة حية للمسيح في حياتنا اليومية على مثال أمنا العذراء مريم والقديسين

Ouzkourni Fi Malakoutika - اذكرني
في ملكوتك
The Daughters of the Immaculate Conception invite you to join them every first Wednesday of every month at 6:00 pm to pray for the faithfully departed, which is part of a global movement called Ouzkourni Fi Malakoutika – اذكرني في ملكوتك
You can share the names you would like remembered and prayed for with Fr. Henri Imad prior to the service just by calling the parish office.
“Remember me in Your Kingdom” is a spiritual, missionary and ecumenical Community that has come to existence in 2006 witnessing to the word “I am the resurrection and the life…” (Jn 11:25).
The community’s objective is to pray for the brothers departed in the Hope of the Resurrection, by the participation in the Holy Eucharist in different parishes in Lebanon and abroad.
“أذكرني في ملكوتك” جماعةٌ روحيّة، رسوليّةٌ ومسكونيّة، أبصرَت النّور بِنعمةٍ إلهيّةٍ، فانطلقَت ببركة الكنيسة، في الأوّل من حزيران 2006، تشهد للكلمة “أنا القيامة والحياة، مَن آمنَ بي وإن ماتَ فسَيحيا”(يو 25:11)، بالاشتراك في سِرّ الافخارستيّا من أجل الإخوة الراقدين على رجاء القيامة، في رعايا متعدّدة في لبنان وبلدان الانتشار
Events for February
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for March
Events for April
Board Members
Carol Absi
- Marie Sabbak (Vice President)
- Marcelle Dagher (Secretary)
- Mona Azzi (Treasurer)
- Souad Bader (Spiritual Responsibility)
- Georgette Sayegh (Vice Décan)
- Laure Yammine (Chancellor)