Marriage preparation program
How satisfied were you with the communication provided by the church regarding the Marriage preparation program?
How satisfied were you with the information received from the church regarding the participation and documentation requirements?
Please rate the registration process for this program
Any comments/suggestions to improve the registration process?
How satisfied were you with the Venue?
Any Comments/Suggestions?
Give us your opinion about the mass.
Food and Refreshments
Give us your opinion about the food: presentation, quantity, quality, variety, etc?
Do you have any suggestions or recommendation on improving this program?
Would you recommend this program to your friends/family/siblings? Why?
Evaluation form for the Marriage Preparation program: FOCCUS
How helpful was the FOCCUS questionnaire?
How helpful was the FOCCUS follow up meeting?
Marriage Preparation program
Evaluation form for the Marriage Preparation program: Workshop Presentations and Activities
Why Marriage Preparation Presentation
Knowing Me Knowing You Activities
Sacrament of Marriage
Sacrament of Marriage Presentation
Sacrament of Marriage Activities
Communication and Conflict Resolution
Communication Presentation
Communication Activities
Conflict Resolution Presentation
Conflict Resolution Activities
Finance Presentation
Finance Activities
Intimacy and Spirituality Presentation
Intimacy and Spirituality Activities
Sexuality Presentation
Sexuality Activities
Serena Presentation